Carbon Footprint Report

Carbon Footprint Report

Through our partnership with EaaSi Carbon, we make it easy for you to measure and understand your business footprint and get a carbon Footprint Report

Following on from measurement, you can rebalance it and begin to reduce it with our framework and support

Carbon Footprint Report Header

EaaSi Carbon Footprint Reports

Carbon Footprint Report - Reporting

Clear, simple reporting

This is why we partnered with EaaSi Carbon so that your business can get access to SECR compliant Carbon Reporting. So your business to measure its footprint in a clear and transparent way

Carbon Footprint Report - Energy Switching

Switch To Green energy

As well as this, EaaSi Carbon also offers green energy switching services at a much lower cost than standard brokers. Also it come with completely transparent support fees

Carbon Footprint Report - Carbon Neutral

Become Carbon Neutral

Finally, with a business footprint report, you can start your journey to Net Zero. Once you are on it, you can rebalance the unavoidable impact and become carbon neutral

Preparing for the Future with a Footprint Report

With the future in mind, the amazing EaaSi Carbon platform was created to reflect the Government’s SECR footprint reporting programme and is fully compliant with it

Carbon Footprint Report - A fair Deal

A Fair Deal for Business

Equally, EaaSi Carbon offers an energy switching service with no hidden broker fees – just an annual £120. Consequently, they provide access to green energy and if you switch through them, your impact report is free

New Opportunities from a Carbon Footprint Report

All in all, it makes sense that having a report can help you to assess the risks and opportunities associated with climate change. Globally, many companies share their report with their stakeholders and use the information to guide their sustainability efforts

Carbon Footprint Report - Get Measured

What Gets Measured, Gets Managed

Following on from new opportunities, by measuring your footprint, inefficiencies in energy use and other areas can be found. Also, lowering your business footprint often involves improving its process efficiency and thus cost-effectiveness

Our thoughts on Footprint Reports

“All things considered, you can’t efficiently reduce what you haven’t measured.  We recommend starting with our workforce initiative to provide a culture shift. As well as this it supports a business on its journey to net zero, getting a footprint report is the next step. Following this, use our net zero framework to reduce it. By doing it transparently can only aid a business’s brand value, sales and client acquisition.”

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Just one step...

Please contact us to find out more about getting your Footprint Report

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