We All Need Happy Eco News
Today’s happy eco news features three fantastic stories of positive sustainable change that will no doubt benefit people and the planet!
Unfortunately, there is a negative bias in the mainstream media as this is what sells, it doesn’t however help us at all.
We all need to feel good about ourselves and the future and highlighting the positives, hopefully, helps you to.
So read on to find out what positive changes have happened in the last week.
Happy Eco News From Munich
In our first brilliant sustainability story, we look at BMW’s brand news hydrogen-powered cars that have just come off the assembly line.
This new car, a milestone in the use of hydrogen power, will use Toyota fuel cells and can reach speeds of up to 112 miles per hour.
The hydrogen is stored in two tanks that can be refilled in three to four minutes.
Once filled, the car, which is being assembled at a factory in Munich, has a range of approximately 313 miles.
The car will enter service during 2023 although the rollout will be relatively small at first.
BMW aren’t the only manufacturer that is investing in hydrogen as Nissan, Hyundai and Toyota are all innovating within the space.
The Chairman of BMW, Oliver Zipse said:
“Hydrogen is a versatile energy source that has a key role to play in the energy transition process and, therefore, in climate protection.
We should use this potential to also accelerate the transformation of the mobility sector.
Hydrogen is the missing piece in the jigsaw when it comes to emission-free mobility.”
This is happy eco news indeed if the future of transportation involves a zero-emission fuel that is available everywhere!
Happy Eco News From Australia
According to scientists from Washington State University, Kangaroo poo may solve one of the biggest issues causing climate change.
A specially designed cow stomach simulator was given a microbial culture made from baby kangaroo pooh as well as a known methane inhibitor.
The end result? Instead of methane, it produced acetic acid.
Acetic acid, unlike the greenhouse gas, is not emitted as flatulence and actually benefits cows by promoting muscle growth. As a result, it’s a win-win situation.
Methane is the second most significant contributor to greenhouse gases after CO2.
On top of that it is approximately 30 times more potent in terms of warming the atmosphere. The world’s largest human-caused source of this climate-wrecking gas is livestock farming.
After successfully testing their system in the simulated stomach, the researchers hope to try it on real cows in the near future.
Professor Birgitte Ahring who ran the research said:
“Methane emissions from cows are a major contributor to greenhouse gases and we e have to find a way to mitigate this problem.
I have no doubt the research is promising. It will be really interesting to see if it can be used in real practice”.
It’s not every day that kangaroo poo is the focus of great sustainability news – but today is one of those days!
Happy Eco News From France
Our final story comes from France where the International Energy Agency (IEA) has produced a new report.
The report states that renewable energy will become the world’s top source of electricity within three years!
According to the IEA’s Electricity Market Report 2023, clean energy sources such as wind and solar, as well as nuclear energy, will meet 90% of new demand between now and 2025.
This growth means that renewables will become the world’s largest electricity source within three years.
Not only that but they will provide 35 per cent of the world’s electricity and will overtake coal.
IEA Executive Director Fatih Birol said:
“The world’s growing demand for electricity is set to accelerate, adding more than double Japan’s current electricity consumption over the next three years.
The good news is that renewables and nuclear power are growing quickly enough to meet almost all this additional appetite, meaning we are close to a tipping point for power sector emissions.”
This is fantastic eco news for the planet and 2025 can’t come soon enough.
However, this is just one facet of the bigger picture and we all still need to play our part in transitioning to a green and sustainable world.
Happy Eco News All Wrapped Up
That’s a wrap for this week’s happy eco news!
Who would have thought that kangaroo pooh could potentially help save the environment?
Hopefully, the news has left you feeling more positive and empowered to go out and create change!
Thanks for reading and if you haven’t already, please do sign up to Play It Green and join our amazing community of changemakers.
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