Great News!
If you have been keeping up with our socials and web news, you will know that Play It Green’s new website is launching soon!
Well, that time has now come and at midnight on Friday 30th September, the new website will launch with our new branding, more useful content, downloads and educational tools.
Being customer-driven, we didn’t build the new platform on a whim, we asked our members what they needed, we listened and we built what they wanted.
Just as with our net zero framework, sustainability webpage and policy, along with footprint reporting and more, our members asked for increased functionality, more online support and access to more content and information.
Customer Driven
Forest Gardens have also been updated both in functionality, impact reporting and ease of access to the Net Zero content, marketing support, badges and educational content for home and workplace.
Our members asked us for better campaign functionality so that they can run campaigns and challenges to create awareness, engage more people, create behaviour change, plant lots of trees and give to charity via those campaigns.
Drawing inspiration from platforms such as Just Giving, we have created full campaign functionality so that our members can now set up, share and run successful campaigns with full control over all parameters!
Our members asked us for gift cards and a shop where trees can be purchased, trips rebalanced and presents (trees) bought for special occasions and we listened and will be launching our shop functionality in two weeks.
As with every other purchase of trees, 10% of any revenue made through our shop will be given to good causes.
Easier Access
Our members also asked for a simpler and quicker sign-up process, with more charity options and more ways to pay and this is also now part of the new website and platform.
The sign-up process – even for a large corporation only takes a couple of minutes at most and we are moving to a software licence model so that every member of the team has their own ‘Forest Garden’ with the company maintaining control with a ‘parent’ garden allowing everyone access to their own personal net zero journey, all whilst being a part of a larger community.
We have also increased league table functionality so that people and businesses can see, share and compete in something amazing – lowering footprints, repairing the planet and giving to good causes.
What better way is there to be competitive than to be the one that does the most good!
Increased Functionality
Finally, our members asked us if they could automate the connection of their business and their forest garden so that they could add trees to product sales, billable hours or even give a percentage of turnover to plant trees and give to good causes.
With that in mind, we have built and are now testing a brand new Open API so that our members can have a fully automated touch-free process to increase their environmental and social impact, whilst they are on their journey to net zero.
At the time of writing the API should be ready for use in four weeks.
As with all new platforms, there may be teething problems, so we have set up a dedicated email address so that if our members encounter any issues, we will respond with added speed to remedy any issues.
There you have it – our members asked and we have delivered. Keep an eye out and please let us know what you think.