Purplelily Design x Play It Green: New Member

Purplelily Design x Play It Green: New Member

Today, we are thrilled to introduce Purplelily Design, the newest member of the Play It Green community. Founded by the innovative Tracy Weeks in 2005, Purplelily Design provides freelance graphic design, marketing and advertising inspired by nature.

Tracy Weeks of Purplelily Design, brings over 26 years of experience in the graphic design industry, having worked in design agencies and in-house roles across the south of England. Tracy’s deep-rooted passion for colour, form, and nature, combined with her attention to detail and care for clients, form the unique DNA of Purplelily Design.

By joining forces with Play It Green, Purplelily Design aims to do more than just offer creative design solutions. The company is aligning with a community that embodies a deep commitment to protecting the environment. Through this partnership, Purplelily Design is taking significant steps towards reducing its carbon footprint. From educating its connections and clients about sustainability to actively participating in initiatives aimed at reforestation and seaforestation and supporting vital causes. This move underscores its commitment to forge a sustainable future.

We were incredibly fortunate to catch up with Tracy Weeks, the visionary behind the brand. During our conversation, Tracy’s passion for her mission shone through. She shared her aspirations for Purplelily Design and how excited she is to embark on this journey with Play It Green, echoing her commitment to making a difference in the world through sustainable business practices.

Please, tell us a little about the History and Values of Purplelily Design

For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved nature and the wildlife that also calls this planet home. I’m also passionate about design and making a positive difference in the world. What could be better than using the knowledge, skills and experience I have gained over the past 30 years (inc. uni) for the greater good?

I have a degree in Graphic Information Design, so I love to use information graphics to create more visually accessible outcomes for all. I also have a passion for strong typography that is clean, simple and doesn’t discriminate. I set up Purplelily Design after spending eight years working for various advertising and marketing agencies. 

As an employed designer, I didn’t have the freedom to choose my clients and their expectations were beyond my control. I chose to call my business Purplelily Design as this reflects my passion for colour and form, my love of flowers and nature, my attention to the finer details that make a difference, and the care and attention clients deserve. I love working with ethical businesses, charities, NGOs and anyone looking to provide a positive change in education.

Purplelily Design An example of the great work being done by Purplelily Design
An example of the great work being done by Purplelily Design

I’m happy to provide design and marketing solutions for anyone, anywhere as long as they appreciate the value of great design and don’t conflict with my ethical values. I will and have previously declined work due to conflicting values. I’ve signed the League Against Cruel Sports Business Without Bloodsports pledge, I’m a member of Business Declares with a plan to be net zero by 2030 and a Clean Creative (a movement of advertisers, PR professionals, and their clients cutting ties with fossil fuels).

What’s happening now that’s exciting for Purplelily Design?

Purplelily Design recently celebrated 18 years in business by donating 18 hours of design time to a nominated good cause. The homelessness charity Justlife Foundation, based in Brighton, was the winner of the drawn from a purple bucket and the design time was used to create a report for their Big Give campaign. We’ve also collaborated on a Temporary Accommodation paper, which illustrated the challenges of not having home security.

I’m working on a new brand identity, banner stands and marketing assets for a small company that assists with decluttering homes and workspaces. My client helps rehome items and understands the emotional attachment that makes it hard for some to part with possessions.

I’m also working on an update to the summer plants of Interest for a charity-owned garden in Hampshire; literature updates for a cardiac rehab charity and some wellbeing workbooks.

Why did Purplelily Design decide to collaborate with Play It Green?

When I attended the launch of the UN Sustainable Development Goals at the University of Winchester (2015), I learned about a company called Interface. Its CEO, Ray Anderson, had a life-changing epiphany in 1994 when he asked: “What is the business case for ending life on earth?”

There isn’t one, but the journey of a carpet tile manufacturer fits firmly with my business beliefs – environmental sustainability makes good business sense. Ray Anderson’s words and values have stuck with me ever since and I love to collaborate with like-minded individuals and organisations that understand that this mindset is an asset, not an obstruction.

I heard about Play It Green through two other networking contacts who share my values, and then I had a wonderful 121 with Richard, which gave me all the encouragement I needed to join Play It Green. I love hearing business success stories that incorporate environmentally sustainable, long-term thinking, and I can already see that Play It Green is a positive place to find so much more.

Purplelily Design More amazing design work from Purplelily Design and something Play It Green members can relate to!
More amazing design work from Purplelily Design and something Play It Green members can relate to!

What does the future hold for Purplelily Design?

I’m always looking for more collaborations, especially if it involves using my knowledge, skills and experience to make a difference. As well as working with my existing clients to provide the care and attention to detail they’ve come to expect, I am looking to work with more charities, and sustainability start-ups that need help with reports, educating their target audience, and marketing.


Tracy Weeks, Founder, Purplelily Design

“Design is about problem-solving. To solve problems well, we need to ask the right questions, which often requires going back to basics. When we look at the greatest designer of all, aka nature, we are provided with so many simple solutions for life and business. We must never stop looking at its finer details.

Purplelily Design Tracy Weeks, Founder, Purplelily Design
Tracy Weeks, Founder, Purplelily Design

Richard Dickson, Co-Founder, Play It Green

“I met Tracy during an ONLE Network event and we followed up our quick chat with a one-to-one. It became clear very quickly that we shared values and a vision for a more sustainable future. Now, Purplelily Design has joined the Play It Green community to bring creativity and flair to our members, it’s a proud moment for me as a founder.”

Richard Dickson, Founder, Play It Green
Play It Green Co-Founder, Richard Dickson

Play It Green: Empowering Your Sustainability Journey

Ready to take your commitment to sustainability to the next level? With our Climate Positive Workforce, Play It Green stands as your partner in creating positive environmental change. From educational resources on sustainable practices and signposting to sustainable services to initiatives like reforestation, seaforestation and social giving, Play It Green offers a holistic approach to sustainability.

Join us in the journey toward a better world—embrace eco-conscious practices and be a force for positive change in our world. All whilst staying relevant, meeting legislation and aligning with the values of today’s consumers and employees.

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