Sustainable Washing Up: Shiny Plates, Green Planet

Sustainable Washing Up : Introduction

Welcome to this week’s sustainability tip from Play It Green where today, we’re diving into the sudsy world of sustainable washing up. Our mission is to empower you with practical advice to make eco-conscious choices that positively impact our planet.

Who knew that doing the dishes could be a gateway to a greener planet? In this article, we’ll explore the history of washing up, the environmental impact of traditional methods, what to look for in eco-friendly washing-up products, and introduce you to some fantastic brands that will help you keep your plates shiny and your conscience clean. 

Ready to scrub your way to sustainability? Then please, read on to find out more.

History of Washing Up

Washing up has a rich history dating back to ancient times when our ancestors used natural resources to clean their dishes. Around 2800 BC, the Sumerians created a soap-like substance from ash and animal fats, which was used to clean utensils and kitchenware effectively.

In ancient Egypt, cleanliness was highly valued. Egyptians used a mixture of ash, sand, and other abrasive materials to scrub their dishes. Hieroglyphs depict slaves stomping on laundry in water tanks mixed with ash and grains, showcasing their methods of maintaining hygiene.

The Greeks and Romans also had unique approaches. They used communal washhouses where utensils were scrubbed with water, lime-ash, alkali, and sometimes urine to remove tough stains. By the 2nd century, they started using soap made from animal fat and ash, improving their cleaning techniques.

The 19th century marked a shift with synthetic detergents, promising sparkling dishes but at an environmental cost due to phosphates and chemicals. 

Sustainable Washing Up - In ancient Sumer, dishes were cleaned using a mix of wood ash and animal fats
In ancient Sumer, dishes were cleaned using a mix of wood ash and animal fats

By the 20th century, dishwashing evolved with electric dishwashers, increasing water and energy consumption. Next up you can find out more about the startling environmental impact of traditional methods of dishwashing!

Environmental Impact of Non Sustainable Washing Up

Traditional washing up methods, both hand washing and using dishwashers, can leave a significant environmental footprint. Conventional dishwashing liquids often contain harmful chemicals like phosphates, triclosan, and artificial fragrances. These substances persist in the environment, posing risks to aquatic life and potentially entering our food chain. Furthermore, Phosphates in dishwashing liquids contribute to 78% of nutrient pollution in waterways, leading to harmful algal blooms.

Dud you know that hand-washing dishes can use up to 100 litres of water per load, with a running tap wasting up to 6 litres per minute? The energy needed to heat water for washing also adds to the carbon footprint, with around 1.5 kg of CO2 emitted per 100 litres of water heated.

Dishwashers, while more water-efficient, still have environmental costs. A modern dishwasher uses about 10-15 litres of water per cycle and consumes around 1.5 kWh of energy, producing approximately 240 grams of CO2 per cycle. Pre-rinsing dishes before using the dishwasher adds to water waste.

Plastic sponges and synthetic brushes used in both methods contribute to environmental pollution.

Sustainable Washing Up - From chemicals to plastic pollution, washing up can significantly harm the environment
From chemicals to plastic pollution, washing up can significantly harm the environment

 In the UK alone, over 600 million plastic sponges are discarded annually, adding to plastic pollution and releasing microplastics.

Switching to eco-friendly washing up solutions can significantly reduce your environmental impact. Next up, we show you what to look for when it comes to sustainable washing up!

What to Look For in Sustainable Washing Up Products

When choosing eco-friendly washing-up products, there are several factors to consider to ensure you’re making a sustainable choice. Start with the ingredients. Opt for products made from plant-based, non-toxic ingredients. These are not only safer for your skin but also less harmful to the environment. Labels like “biodegradable” and “phosphate-free” are good indicators of eco-friendly formulations.

Packaging is another critical aspect. Sustainable packaging options include recyclable, compostable, or reusable materials. Some innovative brands offer refill stations, allowing you to cut down on single-use plastics and keep waste to a minimum.

Effectiveness is also key. Just because a product is eco-friendly doesn’t mean it should compromise on performance. Look for products that have positive reviews and certifications from trusted environmental organisations, ensuring they clean as well as their conventional counterparts.

Consider the overall impact on water and energy use. Using a dishwasher with an eco-mode can save significant amounts of water and electricity. If you prefer washing dishes by hand, doing so in a basin rather than under a running tap can make a big difference.

Sustainable Washing Up - Look for products that are made from natural ingredients and that are biodegradable
Look for products that are made from natural ingredients and that are biodegradable

By keeping these factors in mind, you can find washing up products that are both effective and kind to the planet, helping you maintain a clean kitchen and a clear conscience.

Three of Our Favourite Sustainable Washing Up Brands


Our first brand, Ecover offers a range of eco-friendly dishwashing products made from plant-based ingredients and packaged in recyclable materials. Their formulas are effective and gentle on the planet, making them a top choice for eco-conscious consumers. Check out their range at Ecover.

Sustainable Washing Up - Ecover sensitive washing up liquid is plant based and biodegradable
Ecover sensitive washing up liquid is plant based and biodegradable

Peace With The Wild

Our next brand, Peace with the Wild provides eco-friendly dish soaps that are gentle on your hands and the environment. Their products are made from natural, biodegradable ingredients and come in plastic-free packaging. Discover more at Peace with the Wild.

Sustainable Washing Up - Peace with the Wild dish soap is biodegradable and comes in recyclable packaging
Peace with the Wild dish soap is biodegradable and kind to the environment


Our first brand, MACK offers a fantastic range of eco-friendly dishwashing products that combine effectiveness with sustainability. Their products are made from natural ingredients and come in environmentally friendly packaging. MACK is dedicated to reducing plastic waste and promoting a green lifestyle. Check out their range at MACK.

Thanks to the great people at MACK, you can be more sustainable and save 15% off your first order using the code PLAYITGREEN15 at checkout!
Sustainable Dish Washing - MACK dishwasher tablets are made from natural ingredients and won't harm the planet
MACK dishwasher tablets are made from natural ingredients and won't harm the planet

Sustainable Washing Up: Wrap Up

And that’s a wrap! Switching to sustainable washing-up products is a simple yet impactful way to make your daily routine more eco-friendly. By choosing products from brands like Ecover, Peace With The Wild, and MACK, you can enjoy sparkling dishes without the environmental guilt. 

Remember, every small change contributes to a bigger impact, and your choice of washing up products is just one way you can help protect our planet. Ready to make the switch? Dive into the world of eco-friendly washing up and keep your plates shiny and your conscience clean!

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