Eco-Friendly Note-Taking: Scribble Sustainably

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking: Introduction

Welcome to this week’s sustainability tip from Play It Green which this week focuses on eco-friendly note-taking! Our mission is to empower you with practical advice to make conscious choices that positively impact our planet.

Traditional note-taking methods can have a significant environmental footprint, from the paper used to the pens and pencils we choose. In this article, we’ll dive into the history of note taking and the environmental impact of conventional options. We will also feature what to look for in sustainable alternatives and introduce you to some fantastic brands making a difference.

Let’s scribble sustainably and make our notes greener!

The History of Note-Taking

The history of note-taking is as old as civilisation itself. The earliest forms of note-taking date back to ancient Mesopotamia, where people used clay tablets to record transactions and events. By 3000 BCE, the Egyptians had developed papyrus, a more portable medium made from the pith of the papyrus plant.

An interesting fact: the word “paper” is derived from “papyrus.” Ancient Romans and Greeks also made significant contributions, using wax tablets and styluses for temporary notes and parchment for more permanent records. The evolution continued through the Middle Ages with the use of vellum, a type of fine parchment made from animal skins, which was used for important documents and books.

The invention of the printing press in the 15th century revolutionised note-taking, making paper more accessible and affordable. This paved the way for the widespread use of notebooks and journals. Fast forward to the 20th century, and the introduction of ballpoint pens and mechanical pencils further simplified the process.

Sustainable Note-Taking The first form of note-taking we know about came in the form of 6000 year old clay tablets
The first form of note-taking we know about came in the form of 6000 year old clay tablets

Today, digital note-taking tools have become increasingly popular, offering a paperless alternative. However, the journey from clay tablets to digital screens highlights our evolving relationship with recording information and the need for eco-friendly note-taking practices.

Environmental Impact of Non Eco-Friendly Note Taking

Traditional note taking poses several environmental challenges. Each year, millions of trees are cut down to produce paper, with significant water and energy consumption involved in the manufacturing process. The pulp and paper industry is one of the largest consumers of water, with approximately 10 litres of water needed to produce a single sheet of paper. 

Moreover, the production process generates a considerable amount of greenhouse gases and other pollutants, contributing to global warming and environmental degradation. The impact doesn’t stop at paper. The production of pens and pencils also involves the extraction of raw materials, such as wood, plastic, and metals. 

Most pens are made from plastic, which is derived from petroleum, a non-renewable resource. Additionally, disposable pens and non-recyclable paper end up in landfills, contributing to the growing problem of waste. In fact, it is estimated that over 1.6 billion disposable pens are thrown away each year in the United States alone.

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking Around 1.6 billion pens and even more paper ends up in landfill each year in the US
Around 1.6 billion pens and even more paper ends up in landfill each year in just the US

As awareness of these issues grows, it becomes increasingly important to consider the environmental implications of our note taking habits. It’s time to seek out more sustainable alternatives. By making eco-friendly choices, we can reduce our environmental footprint and contribute to a healthier planet.

What to Look for in Eco-Friendly Note-Taking

When choosing eco-friendly note-taking options, it’s essential to consider materials, production practices, and overall environmental impact. Look for notebooks made from recycled or sustainably sourced paper. This significantly reduces the need for virgin wood pulp. Bamboo paper is another excellent option, as bamboo grows quickly and requires fewer resources than traditional trees.

For pens and pencils, opt for products made from recycled materials or sustainably sourced wood. Eco-friendly ink is another important factor. Soy-based inks, for instance, are a renewable alternative to petroleum-based inks and have a lower environmental impact. Refillable pens and mechanical pencils can also reduce waste and are a cost-effective choice in the long run.

Packaging should not be overlooked; choose products with minimal, recyclable, or compostable packaging to further reduce waste. Certifications such as FSC (Forest Stewardship Council) and Green Seal can help identify products that meet high environmental standards. Digital note taking tools are also worth considering for those looking to eliminate paper use altogether. Apps like Evernote and Microsoft OneNote offer convenient, paperless alternatives.

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking Look for products made from sustainable materials like bamboo or ones that can be reused
Look for products made from sustainable materials like bamboo or ones that can be reused

Supporting companies that prioritise sustainable practices and transparency in their supply chains can make a significant difference. By paying attention to these factors, you can make note taking a more eco-friendly activity, ensuring that your scribbles leave a positive impact on the planet.

Three of Our Favourite Eco-Friendly Note Taking Brands


Our first brand, Remarkable offers a digital notebook that combines the feeling of writing on paper with the convenience of digital technology. Their reusable notebook reduces the need for paper and provides a seamless note-taking experience. The Remarkable tablet allows for easy organisation and sharing of notes, making it a perfect eco-friendly choice for both personal and professional use.

Head over to their website and use voucher code SVY2835X3RM for a 20% discount on Remarkable products.

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking Remarkable offers a pen and paper like experience in the form of digital note-taking
Remarkable offers a pen and paper like experience in the form of digital note-taking


Our second brand, Rocketbook offers reusable notebooks that can be wiped clean and used repeatedly. Their notebooks are compatible with cloud services, making it easy to digitise and store your notes. With Rocketbook, you can enjoy the tactile satisfaction of writing on paper while minimising waste and enhancing your note-taking efficiency.

Visit their website and use voucher code KIND20 for a 20% discount on Rocketbook products. At the time of writing, Rocketbook also has an up to 50% off sale. Vouchers can’t be used in conjunction with the sale price.

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking Rocketbook uses a mix of tech and reusable pages to make your note-taking more eco-friendly
Rocketbook uses a mix of tech and reusable pages to make your note-taking more eco-friendly

Coffee Notes

Our final brand, Coffee Notes provides eco-friendly stationery made from recycled coffee grounds. Their unique notebooks and planners are not only sustainable but also offer a distinctive aesthetic. Perfect for coffee lovers and eco-conscious consumers, Coffee Notes combines sustainability with style.

Check out their website and use voucher code Coffeenotes24 for a 10% discount off your first order.

Eco-Friendly Note-Taking Coffee Notes notebooks are made from recycled paper coffee cups and coffee grinds
Coffee Notes notebooks are made from recycled paper coffee cups and coffee grinds

Eco-Friendly Note Taking: Wrap Up

Thank you for exploring eco-friendly note-taking options with us! Switching to sustainable stationery from brands like Remarkable, Rocketbook, and Coffee Notes not only enhances your note taking experience but also supports a healthier planet.

If your business or school uses a lot of stationery, consider making the switch there too—small changes can lead to big impacts.  Play It Green helps to empower each of us to make small changes that lead to significant impacts. Together, we can scribble sustainably and inspire others to join us on this journey towards a more sustainable future.

Remember, your choices matter. Let’s make them count!

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Ready to take your commitment to sustainability to the next level? Play It Green stands as your partner in creating positive environmental change. From educational resources on sustainable practices and signposting to sustainable services to initiatives like tree planting and social giving, Play It Green offers a holistic approach to environmental stewardship. 

Join us in the journey toward sustainability—embrace eco-conscious practices and be a force for positive change in our world. All whilst staying relevant, meeting legislation and aligning with the values of today’s consumers and employees.

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