Tree Planting Report December 2022

Tree Planting Report December 2022

Play it Green, thanks to our brilliant members, has now planted 179,915 new trees on this wonderful planet of ours.  

The trees are planted across three sites in Madagascar to support the ongoing reforestation of the country. 

These trees bring life, prosperity and a brighter future locally however for the planet they will absorb a staggering 13,278 Tonnes of C02 from the atmosphere within the next six years; and a lot more thereafter. 

Since launching in April 2021 Play It Green has released regular tree planting reports to answer all your questions and maintain our openness.  

Tree Planting is Step 2 of Play It Green's 3 Step Solution

Play It Green’s subscription service ensures members deliver upon our three step solution to climate change #reduce #repair #regive. 

Step 1 reduce, is focused on reducing the carbon footprint of people and businesses. We love doing this, it is step one for a reason as it is the most vital and we do lots of net zero support however that is a separate report. 

Planting trees is step 2, repair the planet through reforestation. The trees are planted to ensure each member makes an ongoing environmental impact whilst on their journey to net zero. 

For every £5 subscription 13 trees per month are planted and members also have the opportunity to add trees to sales, each tree costing fifty pence. 


Step three, regive, ensures members make an ongoing social impact whilst on their journey to net zero. We ensure 10% of each subscription and tree purchase goes to each members chosen good cause. To date Play It Green has regifted funds to twenty good causes including Birmingham Children’s Hospital, homeless charity Depaul UK and cancer charity Weston Park Cancer Charity.

Where are the Trees Planted in Madagascar?

Madagascar a huge Island off the East Coast of Africa

The 3 Tree Planting Sites in Madagascar

Antsanitia Site:

Coordinates: 15°37’13.22”S, 46°26’11.29”E

Visit the site on Google Earth

Akalamboro Site

Coordinates: 16°12’16.94”S, 44°55’4.13”E

Visit the site on Google Earth

Vilamatsa Site

Coordinates: 16°16’17.09”S, 44°26’47.66”E

Visit the site on Google Earth

Why Plant Trees in Madagascar

In regards to absorbing CO2 it doesn’t matter where on the planet the trees are planted as every tree helps fight climate change. 

More trees can be planted in Madagascar compared to planting in other nations such as the UK so our funds go further and make a bigger impact.

Over 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been lost, displacing whole animal populations and robbing its people of their ability to cultivate and survive on the land. 

The tree planting in Madagascar supports 10 of the 17 United Nations Sustainable Development Goals so it is highly impactful. 

Second generations of families of local people are now working on the planting, nurturing and protection of the trees which make a huge difference to the local community, people and the Island. 

Tree planting in Madagascar with Play It Green
Young saplings are grown before being planted

Is Every Tree Planted and Protected?

A video explaining the benefit of the trees

Every Tree is Planted and Brings Benefits

As an act of complete transparency Play It Green publish all our purchase receipts  for the trees and these show 179,915 have been planted

Play It Green use the biggest and most trusted tree planting partner in the world Eden Reforestation Project

In Play It Green’s partnership agreement with Eden it states every tree that is purchased will be planted, and if not, the money will be returned. 

Eden Reforestation provide full transparency on their website through publishing annual reports, accounts, and independent audit reports, meaning they’re independently verified. 

Eden are a long established tree planting organisation with a great reputation and lots of videos such as this video highlighting the benefits of the trees. 

Every Tree is Protected and Not Cut Down

The trees are not cut down and protected long term so the Forest becomes permanent and sustainable. Our tree planting partner Eden Reforestation:

1. Work with governments to secure written agreements that designate the sites as protected in perpetuity and do not plant in logging areas

2. Hire locals to plant the trees to provide employment & a sense of ownership

3. Provide locals with alternative fuel sources such as solar parabolic stoves to reduce and/or elimiate their dependence on charcoal

4. Hire forest guards as part of the labour force. One cent of each tree purchased is put into a Guard fund to ensure the long term guarding and protection of sites.

5. Most significantly, we have seen the locals fall in love with their forest as it leads to improved fisheries, farming, cleaner water and new business enterprises.

Every Tree is Protected Long Term and Not Logged

Thank You To All Our Members

Play It Green Cofounders Chris Thair and Richard Dickson

Play it Green cofounder Chris Thair gives thanks to members

“Play It Green is extremely proud to have planted nearly 180,000 trees however all our thanks and recognition has to go to our members. 

“The worlds not going to be changed by a million perfect environmentalists. It is going to be changed by a billion imperfect environmentalists like you and me.

“Play It Green is delighted to have created a community of people and businesses wanting to make a difference, an impact and help leave the world a better place. 

“Every member should take great pride in this milestone, share their Forest Garden and celebrate being part of community that has planted nearly 180,000 trees.

Thank you to each one of our members” 

Play It Green is a unique and powerful subscription service starting at £5 per month that helps make a big impact upon you, your business and the planet. 

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